Keynote speakers

The thematic sessions of the ISADAE 2024 conferences will be introduced by invited researchers who are specialists in the session topics. We are pleased to announce the following keynote speaker:


Prof. Elena BALDI,

Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna, Italy

Elena Baldi is a professor at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna. Her research activities focus on organic and mineral nutrition of temperate fruit tree with a special focus on the evaluation of the effect of organic amendments on plant physiology, yield, quality of fruits and root growth. She also has expertise in the definition of precision systems to evaluate the correct amount of water to supply with irrigation.




Dr. Maria Luz CAYUELA,

Researcher at the Spanish National Research Council, Spain

Biochar-based fertilizers: trade-offs between soil C sequestration and gaseous N losses

Maria Luz Cayuela is a senior researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Her research is at the nexus between soil biogeochemistry, circular bio-economy and global environmental change. She focuses on C and N cycling in soils and try to understand the biotic and abiotic mechanisms that control their dynamics, interactions and fate. During the last ten years, she specialized on the impact of biochar (a by-product of pyrolysis) on soil N dynamics, with special emphasis on N2O emissions.


 Luz Cayuela


Prof. Yves COQUET

Professor of Soil Science and Hydrology at AgroParisTech, the Agricultural College of the University Paris-Saclay, France.

 Soil processes and water management practices

Yves Coquet's research activities focus on water and solute transport in soils and the vadose zone. He studied the impacts of agricultural practices such as tillage and compost application on soil properties and preferential flow processes. He also worked on pesticide fate in soil and the vadose zone and its implication in groundwater contamination by pesticides.


Yves Coquet.jpg


Prof. Ali DAOUDI

Professor at the National Higher School of Agronomy of Algiers, Algeria                                

Analysis of the viability of the rainfed cereal intensification model in  semi-arid regions in Algeria

Ali Daoudi is a Professor of Agricultural Economics and the Deputy Director in charge of Doctoral Training, Scientific Research, and Innovation at the National Higher School of Agronomy of Algiers. He has led and participated in numerous research projects on the analysis of agricultural production systems, land policies, land tenure, and the evolving dynamics within Algeria's agricultural sector. Pr Daoudi has published numerous journal articles on these research themes, demonstrating his expertise and commitment to advancing knowledge in these areas.


Ali Daoudi



Research Director at the Hellenic Agricultural Organization-DIMITRA, Institute of Soil and Water Resources, Department of Soil Science of Athens, Greece

Soil fertility, Crop nutrient management, Agricultural waste management

Dr. Kavvadias Victor is a research director at the Department of Soil Science of Athens, Institute of Soil and Water Resources. ELGO-DIMITRA, Greece. He holds a PhD in Forest Soil Science from the Department of Forestry, University of Aberdeen, UK. His research focuses on sustainable soil management and climate change mitigation, management of agricultural residues and wastes, nutrient management of crops, soil pollution and remediation. He has participated in and/or coordinated numerous research national and international projects with aims to improve the valorisation of agricultural residues.





Research Director, Institute of Research for Development and the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris, France                                 

Degradation and conservation strategies of soils in dry areas: land degradation processes related to soil management and example of mitigation strategies for soil and water conservation.

Dr Pascal Podwojewski has over 45 years of experience in Soil science projects at IRD. He has been posted in 5 different countries and continents (New Caledonia, Ecuador, Vietnam, South Africa and Tunisia) for leading research projects in soil type characterization in relation with major natural land use changes or land degradation by human activities. He is currently leading a project on the dynamic of extension of woody plants in arid climate in South Tunisia.





Additional international keynote speakers will be announced soon.

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